

Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1]


The Berry phase of the $n$th band $\nu_{n}$ is defined by


The range $\mathrm{BZ}$(Brillouin Zone) is $k\in[0,2\pi]$. $U_{n,i}(k)$ is the link variable at wavenumber $k$. $e_{1}$ is the unit vector.



is the wave function of the $n$th band.

struct BPProblem{T1<:Function,T2<:Union{Tuple,AbstractVector,Int},T3<:Real,T4<:Bool} <: TopologicalNumbersProblems

The BPProblem struct represents a problem for calculating Berry phase.


  • H::T1: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 1.
  • N::T2: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone. Default is 51.
  • gapless::T3: The threshold for considering a band as gapless. Default is 0.0.
  • rounds::T4: A boolean indicating whether to round a returned variable. Default is true.


BPProblem(H, N)

Constructs a Berry phase problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 1.
  • N: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone.


A BPProblem object.



Constructs a Berry phase problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 1.


A BPProblem object.


BPSolution{T1,T2} <: TopologicalNumbersSolutions

The BPSolution struct represents a solution for calculating Berry phase.


  • TopologicalNumber::T1: The Berry phase for each energy bands.
  • Total::T2: The total Berry phase.
FCProblem{T1<:Function,T2<:Union{Tuple,AbstractVector,Int},T3<:Real,T4<:Bool} <: TopologicalNumbersProblems

A struct representing a problem for calculating the first Chern number.


  • H::T1: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 2.
  • N::T2: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone. Default is 51.
  • gapless::T3: The threshold for considering a band as gapless. Default is 0.0.
  • rounds::T4: A boolean indicating whether to round a returned variable. Default is true.


FCProblem(H, N)

Constructs a first Chern number problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 2.
  • N: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone.


A FCProblem object.



Constructs a first Chern number problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 2.


A FCProblem object.


FCSolution{T1,T2} <: TopologicalNumbersSolutions

The FCSolution struct represents a solution for calculating the first Chern number.


  • TopologicalNumber::T1: The first Chern number for each energy bands.
  • Total::T2: The total of the first Chern number.

Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1]


The first Chern number of the $n$th band $\nu_{n}$ is defined by


The range $\mathrm{BZ}$(Brillouin Zone) is $\bm{k}\in[0,2\pi]^{2}$. $U_{n,i}(\bm{k})$ is the link variable at wavenumber $\bm{k}$. $\bm{e}_{i}$ is the unit vector.


$\ket{\Psi_{n}(\bm{k})}$ is the wave function of the $n$th band.


Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1]


The Berry flux at the wavenumber $\bm{k}$ of the $n$th band $F_{n}(\bm{k})$ is defined by




$U_{n,i}(\bm{k})$ is the link variable at wavenumber $\bm{k}$. $\bm{e}_{i}$ is the unit vector.


$\ket{\Psi_{n}(\bm{k})}$ is the wave function of the $n$th band.

LBFProblem{T1<:Function,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:Union{Tuple,AbstractVector,Int},T4<:Real,T5<:Bool} <: TopologicalNumbersProblems

A struct representing a problem for calculating the $k$-local value of Berry flux.


  • H::T1: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is an AbstractVector (or a Tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 2.
  • n::T2: An AbstractVector (or a Tuple) including two elements of Int, which represents wavenumber ($2\pi n/N$) when calculating Berry flux. Dimension of n must be 2.
  • N::T3: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone. Default is 51.
  • gapless::T4: The threshold for considering a band as gapless. Default is 0.0.
  • rounds::T5: A boolean indicating whether to round a returned variable. Default is true.


LBFProblem(H, n, N)

Constructs a local Berry flux problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 2.
  • n: An AbstractVector (or a Tuple) including two elements of Int, which represents wavenumber ($2\pi n/N$) when calculating Berry flux. Dimension of n must be 2.
  • N: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone.


A LBFProblem object.


LBFProblem(H, n)

Constructs a local Berry flux problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 2.
  • n: An AbstractVector (or a Tuple) including two elements of Int, which represents wavenumber ($2\pi n/N$) when calculating Berry flux. Dimension of n must be 2.


A LBFProblem object.


LBFSolution{T1,T2} <: TopologicalNumbersSolutions

The LBFSolution struct represents a solution for calculating the $k$-local value of Berry flux.


  • TopologicalNumber::T1: The local Berry flux for each energy bands.
  • n::T2: An AbstractVector (or a Tuple) including two elements of Int, which represents wavenumber ($2\pi n/N$) when calculating Berry flux.
SCProblem{T1<:Function,T2<:Union{Int,Nothing},T3<:Union{Tuple,AbstractVector,Int},T4<:Bool} <: TopologicalNumbersProblems

A struct representing a problem for calculating the second Chern number.


  • H::T1: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 4.
  • Nfill::T2: The number of filled bands. nothing means the half-filling. Default is nothing.
  • N::T3: The number of points in the Brillouin zone. Type of Int means the uniform mesh. You can also specify the mesh by giving a tuple or a vector. Default is 30.
  • RV::T4: A boolean indicating whether to return a real value. Default is true.


SCProblem(H, N, Nf)

Constructs a second Chern number problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 4.
  • N: The number of points in the Brillouin zone. Type of Int means the uniform mesh. You can also specify the mesh by giving a tuple or a vector.
  • Nf: The number of filled bands. nothing means the half-filling.


A SCProblem object.


SCProblem(H, N)

Constructs a second Chern number problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 4.
  • N: The number of points in the Brillouin zone. Type of Int means the uniform mesh. You can also specify the mesh by giving a tuple or a vector.


A SCProblem object.



Constructs a second Chern number problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 4.


A SCProblem object.


SCSolution{T} <: TopologicalNumbersSolutions

The SCSolution struct represents a solution for calculating the second Chern number.


  • TopologicalNumber::T: The second Chern number.

Shiozaki method [4]


The $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ number of the $2n$th (and $2n-1$th) band $\nu_{n}$ is defined by


$F_{n}$ is the Berry flux of the $n$th band in the $\mathrm{BZ}'$. The range $\mathrm{BZ}'$ is $\bm{k}\in[0,2\pi]\times[0,\pi]$ half of BZ(Brillouin Zone).


$P_{n}(k_{2})$ is the time-reversal polarization at wavenumber $k_{2}$.


$U_{n,i}(\bm{k})$ is the link variable at wavenumber $\bm{k}$. $\bm{e}_{i}$ is the unit vector.


$\ket{\Psi_{n}(\bm{k})}$ is the wave function of the $2n$th (and $2n-1$th) band. $\omega(\bm{k})$ is the unitary matrix given by


$T$ is the time-reversal operator.

UseMPI{T}(MPI::T) <: TopologicalNumbersMultiProcess

A struct representing the use of MPI for parallel computing in the TopologicalNumbers package.


  • MPI: An object representing the MPI library.
UseSingleThread <: TopologicalNumbersSingleProcess

A struct representing the use of a single thread for parallel processing in the TopologicalNumbers module.

WCSProblem{T1<:Function,T2<:String,T3<:Int,T4<:Union{Tuple,AbstractVector,Int},T5<:Real,T6<:Bool} <: TopologicalNumbersProblems

A struct representing a problem for finding and calculating the Weyl points.


  • H::T1: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • kn::T2: Compute the Chern number of the plane perpendicular to the "kn" direction in Brillouin zone ("k1", "k2", "k3").
  • kn_mesh::T3: Number of mesh in "kn" direction. Default is 51.
  • N::T4: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone. Default is 51.
  • gapless::T5: The threshold for considering a band as gapless. Default is 0.0.
  • rounds::T6: A boolean indicating whether to round a returned variable. Default is true.


WCSProblem(H, kn, N1, N2)

Constructs a problem for finding and calculating the Weyl points with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • kn: Compute the Chern number of the plane perpendicular to the "kn" direction in Brillouin zone ("k1", "k2", "k3").
  • N1: Number of mesh in "kn" direction.
  • N2: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone.


A WCSProblem object.


WCSProblem(H, kn)

Constructs a problem for finding and calculating the Weyl points with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • kn: Compute the Chern number of the plane perpendicular to the "kn" direction in Brillouin zone ("k1", "k2", "k3").


A WCSProblem object.


WCSProblem(H, kn, N::T) where {T<:Int}

Constructs a problem for finding and calculating the Weyl points with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • kn: Compute the Chern number of the plane perpendicular to the "kn" direction in Brillouin zone ("k1", "k2", "k3").
  • N: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone.


A WCSProblem object.


WCSSolution{T1,T2,T3} <: TopologicalNumbersSolutions

The WCSSolution struct represents a solution for finding and calculating the Weyl points.


  • kn::T1: Compute the Chern number of the plane perpendicular to the "kn" direction in Brillouin zone ("k1", "k2", "k3").
  • param::T2: Wavenumber parameters in "kn" direction.
  • nums::T3: The Chern number for each energy bands and each wavenumber parameters.
WNProblem{T1<:Function,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:Int,T4<:Real,T5<:Bool} <: TopologicalNumbersProblems

A struct representing a problem for calculating the Weyl nodes.


  • H::T1: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • n::T2: An AbstractVector (or a Tuple) including two elements of Int, which represents wavenumber ($2\pi n/N$). Dimension of n must be 3.
  • N::T3: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone. Default is 51.
  • gapless::T4: The threshold for considering a band as gapless. Default is 0.0.
  • rounds::T5: A boolean indicating whether to round a returned variable. Default is true.


WNProblem(H, n, N)

Constructs a problem for calculating the Weyl nodes with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • n: An AbstractVector (or a Tuple) including two elements of Int, which represents wavenumber ($2\pi n/N$). Dimension of n must be 3.
  • N: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone.


A WNProblem object.


WNProblem(H, n)

Constructs a problem for calculating the Weyl nodes with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • n: An AbstractVector (or a Tuple) including two elements of Int, which represents wavenumber ($2\pi n/N$). Dimension of n must be 3.


A WNProblem object.


WNSolution{T1,T2,T3} <: TopologicalNumbersSolutions

The WNSolution struct represents a solution for calculating the Weyl nodes.


  • TopologicalNumber::T1:
  • n::T2:
  • N::T3:
WPProblem{T1<:Function,T2<:Int,T3<:AbstractVector,T4<:Bool} <: TopologicalNumbersProblems

A struct representing a problem for calculating the Weyl points.


  • H::T1: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • N::T2: The number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. The $n$th iteration divides the Brillouin zone into $1/N^n$. Default is 10.
  • gapless::T3 The threshold that determines the state to be degenerate. The $n$th iteration adopts the threshold value of the $n$th value of the vector. The number of iterations can be varied by the length of the vector. Default is [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4].
  • rounds::T4: A boolean indicating whether to round a returned variable. Default is true.


WPProblem(H, N)

Constructs a problem for calculating the Weyl points with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.
  • N: The number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. The $n$th iteration divides the Brillouin zone into $1/N^n$.


A WPProblem object.



Constructs a problem for calculating the Weyl points with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector. Dimension of k must be 3.


A WPProblem object.


WPSolution{T1,T2,T3} <: TopologicalNumbersSolutions

The WPSolution struct represents a solution for calculating the Weyl points.


  • WeylPoint::T1:
  • N::T2:
  • Nodes::T3:
Z2Problem{T1<:Function,T2<:Union{Int,Nothing},T3<:Union{Tuple,AbstractVector,Int},T4<:Bool} <: TopologicalNumbersProblems

A struct representing a problem for calculating the Z2 number.


  • H::T1: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 2.
  • Nfill::T2: The number of filled bands. nothing means the half-filling. Default is nothing.
  • N::T3: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone. Default is 50.
  • rounds::T4: A boolean indicating whether to round a returned variable. Default is true.
  • TR::T4: A boolean indicating whether to calculate the remaining part of the Brillouin zone. If true, solve returns an additional result TRTopologicalNumber. If the calculation is done nomally, TRTopologicalNumber is equal to TopologicalNumber. Default is false.


Z2Problem(H, Nf, N)

Constructs a Z2 number problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 2.
  • Nf: The number of filled bands. nothing means the half-filling.
  • N: The number of points for one direction in the Brillouin zone.


A Z2Problem object.


Z2Problem(H, Nf)

Constructs a Z2 number problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 2.
  • Nf: The number of filled bands. nothing means the half-filling.


A Z2Problem object.




Constructs a Z2 number problem with the default parameters.


  • H: The Hamiltonian function H=H(k, p) that defines the system. k is a abstract vector (or a tuple) of the wavenumber vector and p contains parameter. Dimension of k must be 2.


A Z2Problem object.


Z2Solution{T1,T2,T3} <: TopologicalNumbersSolutions

The Z2Solution struct represents a solution for calculating Z2 number.


  • TopologicalNumber::T1: The Z2 number for each pair of energy bands.
  • TRTopologicalNumber::T2: The Z2 number for the remaining part of the Brillouin zone. This field is only returned when TR is true in Z2Problem.
  • Total::T3: The total Z2 number.

Hamiltonian of the Bernevig–Hughes–Zhang (BHZ) model.

 BHZ(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, T2<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}}


  • k::T1: two-dimensional wavenumber k.
  • p::T2: parameters defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the BHZ model is defined as

\[H(k)=\begin{pmatrix} h_{0}(\bm{k})+h_{3}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{5}(\bm{k})-ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & 0 \\ 0 & h_{0}(\bm{k})-h_{3}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{5}(\bm{k})-ih_{4}(\bm{k}) \\ h_{5}(\bm{k})+ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{0}(\bm{k})-h_{3}(\bm{k}) & 0 \\ 0 & h_{5}(\bm{k})+ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{0}(\bm{k})+h_{3}(\bm{k}) \end{pmatrix}\]

\[\begin{align*} h_{0}(\bm{k})=&-(t_{ss}-t_{pp})(\cos(k_{1})+\cos(k_{2}))+\frac{(\epsilon_{s}+\epsilon_{p})}{2} \\ h_{3}(\bm{k})=&2t_{sp}\sin(k_{2}) \\ h_{4}(\bm{k})=&2t_{sp}\sin(k_{1}) \\ h_{5}(\bm{k})=&-(t_{ss}+t_{pp})(\cos(k_{1})+\cos(k_{2}))+\frac{(\epsilon_{s}-\epsilon_{p})}{2} \end{align*}\]

where $t_{sp}$ is the amplitude of the mixed hopping between s- and p-orbitals in the tight binding model. $t_{ss}$ is the hopping between s-orbitals, $t_{pp}$ is the hopping between p-orbitals, and $t_{1}=t_{s}-t_{p}$, $t_{2}=t_{s}+t_{p}$. $\epsilon_{s}$ and $\epsilon_{p}$ are the site potential terms for the s- and p-orbitals, $\epsilon_{1}\epsilon_{s}s+\epsilon_{p}$, $\epsilon_{2}=\epsilon_{s}-\epsilon_{p}. Nondimensionalize with $t_{sp}=t_{1}=\epsilon_{1}=1$ and $\epsilon_{2},t_{2}=$p.


julia> BHZ([0, π/3], [0.5, 0.5])
4×4 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 0.732051+0.0im       0.0+0.0im      -0.5+0.0im       0.0+0.0im
      0.0+0.0im  -2.73205+0.0im       0.0+0.0im      -0.5+0.0im
     -0.5+0.0im       0.0+0.0im  -2.73205+0.0im       0.0+0.0im
      0.0+0.0im      -0.5+0.0im       0.0+0.0im  0.732051+0.0im

Hamiltonian of the two-dimensional square lattice with flux model.

 Flux2d(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, T2<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}}


  • k::T1: one-dimensional wavenumber k.
  • p::T2: parameters defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the two-dimensional square lattice with flux model is defined as

\[H(k)=\begin{pmatrix} -2t\cos(k_{2}-2\pi m\frac{1}{n}) & -t & 0 & 0 & \cdots & e^{-ik_{1}} \\ -t & -2t\cos(k_{2}-2\pi m\frac{2}{n}) & -t & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & -t & \ddots & -t & \cdots & \vdots \\ \vdots & \vdots & & -t & -2t\cos(k_{2}-2\pi m\frac{(n-1)}{n}) & -t \\ e^{ik_{1}} & 0 & \cdots & 0 & -t & -2t\cos(k_{2}-2\pi m) \end{pmatrix}\]

where $t$ is the amplitude of the nearest neighbor hopping in the tight binding model. $n$ and $m$ are the size of the unit cell of the phase produced by the application of the static magnetic field. Nondimensionalize with $t=1$ and $n,m=$p.


julia> Flux2d([0, π/3], [4, 1])
4×4 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 -1.73205+0.0im  -1.0+0.0im      0.0+0.0im  -1.0+0.0im
     -1.0+0.0im   1.0+0.0im     -1.0+0.0im   0.0+0.0im
      0.0+0.0im  -1.0+0.0im  1.73205+0.0im  -1.0+0.0im
     -1.0-0.0im   0.0+0.0im     -1.0+0.0im  -1.0+0.0im

Hamiltonian of the Haldane model.

 Haldane(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, T2<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}}


  • k::T1: two-dimensional wavenumber k.
  • p::T2: parameters defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the Haldane model is defined as

\[H(\bm{k})=\begin{pmatrix} h_{0}(\bm{k})+h_{3}(\bm{k}) & h_{1}(\bm{k})-ih_{2}(\bm{k}) \\ h_{1}(\bm{k})+ih_{2}(\bm{k}) & h_{0}(\bm{k})-h_{3}(\bm{k}) \end{pmatrix}\]

\[\begin{align*} h_{0}(\bm{k})=&2t_{2}\cos(\phi)(\sin(k_{1})+\sin(k_{2})+\sin(k_{1}+k_{2})) \\ h_{1}(\bm{k})=&-t_{1}(1+\cos(k_{1})+\cos(k_{2})) \\ h_{2}(\bm{k})=&-t_{1}(-\sin(k_{1})+\sin(k_{2})) \\ h_{3}(\bm{k})=&m+2t_{2}\sin(\phi)(\sin(k_{1})+\sin(k_{2})-\sin(k_{1}+k_{2})) \end{align*}\]

where $t_{1}$ and $t_{2}$ are the amplitudes of the nearest and the next nearest neighbor hopping in the tight binding model. $\phi$ is the phase produced by the application of the static magnetic field. Nondimensionalize with $t_{1}=1$ and $t_{2},\phi,m=$p.


julia> Haldane([0, π/3], [0.5, π/2, 0.3])
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
  0.3-0.0im       -2.5+0.866025im
 -2.5-0.866025im  -0.3-0.0im

Hamiltonian of the Kane–Mele model.

 KaneMele(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, T2<:Real}


  • k::T1: two-dimensional wavenumber k.
  • p::T2: parameter defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the Kane–Mele model is defined as

\[H(k)=\begin{pmatrix} h_{3}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{5}(\bm{k})-ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & 0 \\ 0 & -h_{3}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{5}(\bm{k})-ih_{4}(\bm{k}) \\ h_{5}(\bm{k})+ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & 0 & -h_{3}(\bm{k}) & 0 \\ 0 & h_{5}(\bm{k})+ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{3}(\bm{k}) \end{pmatrix}\]

\[\begin{align*} h_{3}(\bm{k})=&2\lambda_{\mathrm{SO}}(\sin(k_{1})-\sin(k_{2})-\sin(k_{1}-k_{2})) \\ h_{4}(\bm{k})=&-t(\sin(k_{1})+\sin(k_{2})) \\ h_{5}(\bm{k})=&-t(\cos(k_{1})+\cos(k_{2})+1) \end{align*}\]

where $t$ is the amplitude of the nearest neighbor hopping in the tight binding model. $\lambda_{\mathrm{SO}}$ is the magnitude of spin-orbit interaction. Nondimensionalize with $t=1$ and $\lambda_{\mathrm{SO}}=$p.


julia> KaneMele([0, π/3], 0.5)
4×4 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
  0.0+0.0im        0.0+0.0im       -2.5+0.866025im   0.0+0.0im
  0.0+0.0im        0.0+0.0im        0.0+0.0im       -2.5+0.866025im
 -2.5-0.866025im   0.0+0.0im        0.0+0.0im        0.0+0.0im
  0.0+0.0im       -2.5-0.866025im   0.0+0.0im        0.0+0.0im

Hamiltonian of the Kitaev chain model.

 KitaevChain(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Real, T2<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}}


  • k::T1: one-dimensional wavenumber k.
  • p::T2: parameters defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the Kitaev chain model is defined as

\[H(k)=\begin{pmatrix} -\mu-2t\cos(k) & 2i\Delta\sin(k) \\ -2i\Delta\sin(k) & \mu+2t\cos(k) \end{pmatrix}\]

where $t$ is the amplitude of the nearest neighbor hopping in the tight binding model. $\Delta$ is the pairing with the nearest neighbor site, $\mu$ is the chemical potential. Nondimensionalize with $t=1$ and $\mu,\Delta=$p.


julia> SSH(π/3, 0.5)
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 -0.5+0.0im       0.0+0.866025im
  0.0-0.866025im  0.5+0.0im

Hamiltonian of the Kitaev honeycomb model.

 KitaevHoneycomb(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, T2<:Real}


  • k::T1: two-dimensional wavenumber k.
  • p::T2: parameter defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the Kitaev honeycomb model is defined as

\[H(\bm{k})=\begin{pmatrix} h_{3}(\bm{k}) & h_{1}(\bm{k})-ih_{2}(\bm{k}) \\ h_{1}(\bm{k})+ih_{2}(\bm{k}) & -h_{3}(\bm{k}) \end{pmatrix}\]

\[\begin{align*} h_{1}(\bm{k})=&-K_{2}(\sin(k_{2})-\sin(k_{1})+\sin(k_{1}-k_{2})) \\ h_{2}(\bm{k})=&-K_{1}(\sin(k_{1})+\sin(k_{2})) \\ h_{3}(\bm{k})=&K_{1}(\cos(k_{1})+\cos(k_{2})+1) \end{align*}\]

where $K_{1}$ is the magnitude of Kitaev interaction. $K_{2}$ is the magnitude of spin triples term due to magnetic field. Nondimensionalize with $K_{1}=1$ and $K_{2}=$p.


julia> KitaevHoneycomb([0, π/3], 0.5)
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 2.5-0.0im        0.0+0.866025im
 0.0-0.866025im  -2.5-0.0im

Hamiltonian of the lattice Dirac model.

 LatticeDirac(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple},T2<:Real}


  • k::T1: four-dimensional wavenumber k.
  • p::T2: parameter defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the lattice Dirac model is defined as

\[H(k)=\begin{pmatrix} h_{4}(\bm{k}) & h_{2}(\bm{k})-ih_{3}(\bm{k}) & h_{0}(\bm{k})-ih_{1}(\bm{k}) & 0 \\ h_{2}(\bm{k})+ih_{3}(\bm{k}) & -h_{4}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{0}(\bm{k})-ih_{1}(\bm{k}) \\ h_{0}(\bm{k})+ih_{1}(\bm{k}) & 0 & -h_{4}(\bm{k}) & -h_{2}(\bm{k})+ih_{3}(\bm{k}) \\ 0 & h_{0}(\bm{k})+ih_{1}(\bm{k}) & -h_{2}(\bm{k})-ih_{3}(\bm{k}) & h_{4}(\bm{k}) \end{pmatrix}\]

\[\begin{align*} h_{0}(\bm{k})=&m+c(cos(k_{1})+cos(k_{2})+cos(k_{3})+cos(k_{4})) \\ h_{1}(\bm{k})=&sin(k_{1}) \\ h_{2}(\bm{k})=&sin(k_{2}) \\ h_{3}(\bm{k})=&sin(k_{3}) \\ h_{4}(\bm{k})=&sin(k_{4}) \end{align*}\]



```julia julia> LatticeDirac([0, 0, 0, π/2], 0.5) 4×4 Matrix{ComplexF64}: 1.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 3.5+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im -1.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 3.5+0.0im 3.5+0.0im 0.0+0.0im -1.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 3.5+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 1.0+0.0im


Hamiltonian of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model.

 SSH(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Real,T2<:Real}


  • k::T1: one-dimensional wavenumber k.
  • p::T2: parameter defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model is defined as

\[H(k)=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & t_{1}+t_{2}e^{-ik} \\ t_{1}+t_{2}e^{ik} & 0 \end{pmatrix}\]

where $t_{1}$ and $t_{2}$ are the amplitudes of the nearest neighbor hopping in the tight binding model. Nondimensionalize with $t_{1}=1$ and $t_{2}=$p.


julia> SSH(π/3, 0.5)
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
  0.0+0.0im       1.25-0.433013im
 1.25+0.433013im   0.0+0.0im

Hamiltonian of the Thouless pumping model.

 ThoulessPump(k::T1, p::T2) where {T1<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, T2<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}}


  • k::T1: when one-dimensional wavenumber k₁ and time t, k=[k₁, t].
  • p::T2: parameters defined as below.


Hamiltonian of the Kane–Mele model is defined as

\[H(k)=\begin{pmatrix} h_{3}(\bm{k}) & h_{5}(\bm{k})-ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & 0 & -h_{5}(\bm{k})-ih_{1}(\bm{k}) \\ h_{5}(\bm{k})+ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & -h_{3}(\bm{k}) & h_{5}(\bm{k})-ih_{1}(\bm{k}) & 0 \\ 0 & h_{5}(\bm{k})+ih_{1}(\bm{k}) & -h_{3}(\bm{k}) & h_{5}(\bm{k})-ih_{4}(\bm{k}) \\ -h_{5}(\bm{k})+ih_{1}(\bm{k}) & 0 & h_{5}(\bm{k})+ih_{4}(\bm{k}) & h_{3}(\bm{k}) \end{pmatrix}\]

\[\begin{align*} h_{1}(\bm{k})=&-\Delta\sin(k_{1}) \\ h_{2}(\bm{k})=&-\Delta(1-\cos(k_{1})) \\ h_{3}(\bm{k})=&m_{0}\sin(t) \\ h_{4}(\bm{k})=&-t_{0}(1+\cos(t))\sin(k_{1}) \\ h_{5}(\bm{k})=&-t_{0}(1-\cos(t))-t_{0}(1+\cos(t)))\cos(k_{1}) \end{align*}\]

where $t_{0}$ is the amplitude of the nearest neighbor hopping in the tight binding model. $m_{0}$ is the magnitude of the alternating magnetic field. $\Delta$ is the magnitude of spin flip interaction. Nondimensionalize with $t_{0}=1$ and $m_{0},\Delta=$p.


julia> ThoulessPump([0, π/3], (-1.0, 0.5))
4×4 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 -0.866025-0.0im      -2.0+0.0im      -0.0-0.0im        0.0+0.0im
      -2.0-0.0im  0.866025-0.0im      -0.0+0.0im       -0.0-0.0im
      -0.0-0.0im      -0.0-0.0im  0.866025-0.0im       -2.0+0.0im
       0.0-0.0im      -0.0-0.0im      -2.0-0.0im  -0.866025-0.0im

Calculate the Berry flux in the two-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1].

calcBerryFlux(Hamiltonian::Function, n::Vector{Int64}; N::Int=51, gapless::Real=0.0, rounds::Bool=true)


  • Hamiltionian::Function: the Hamiltonian matrix with one-dimensional wavenumber k as an argument.
  • n::Vector{Int64}: The wavenumber($2\pi n/N$) when calculating Berry flux.
  • N::Int=51: The number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. It is preferable for N to be an odd number to increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • gapless::Real: The threshold that determines the state to be degenerate. Coarsening the mesh(N) but increasing gapless will increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • rounds::Bool=true: An option to round the value of the topological number to an integer value. The topological number returns a value of type Int when true, and a value of type Float when false.


The Berry flux at the wavenumber $\bm{k}$ of the $n$th band $F_{n}(\bm{k})$ is defined by




$U_{n,i}(\bm{k})$ is the link variable at wavenumber $\bm{k}$. $\bm{e}_{i}$ is the unit vector.


$\ket{\Psi_{n}(\bm{k})}$ is the wave function of the $n$th band.


Calculate the winding numbers in the one-dimensional case.

calcBerryPhase(Hamiltonian::Function; N::Int=51, gapless::Real=0.0, rounds::Bool=true)


  • Hamiltonian::Function: the Hamiltonian matrix function with one-dimensional wavenumber k as an argument.
  • N::Int: the number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. It is preferable for N to be an odd number to increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • gapless::Real: the threshold that determines the state to be degenerate. Coarsening the mesh(N) but increasing gapless will increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • rounds::Bool: an option to round the value of the topological number to an integer value. The topological number returns a value of type Int when true, and a value of type Float when false.


The Berry phase of the $n$th band $\nu_{n}$ is defined by


The range $\mathrm{BZ}$(Brillouin Zone) is $k\in[0,2\pi]$. $U_{n,i}(k)$ is the link variable at wavenumber $k$. $e_{1}$ is the unit vector.


$\ket{\Psi_{n}(k)}$ is the wave function of the $n$th band.


Calculate the first Chern numbers in the two-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1].

calcChern(Hamiltonian::Function; N::Int=51, gapless::Real=0.0, rounds::Bool=true)


  • Hamiltionian::Function: The Hamiltonian matrix with two-dimensional wavenumber k as an argument.
  • N::Int=51: The number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. It is preferable for N to be an odd number to increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • gapless::Real: The threshold that determines the state to be degenerate. Coarsening the mesh(N) but increasing gapless will increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • rounds::Bool=true: An option to round the value of the topological number to an integer value. The topological number returns a value of type Int when true, and a value of type Float when false.


The first Chern number of the $n$th band $\nu_{n}$ is defined by


The range $\mathrm{BZ}$(Brillouin Zone) is $\bm{k}\in[0,2\pi]^{2}$. $U_{n,i}(\bm{k})$ is the link variable at wavenumber $\bm{k}$. $\bm{e}_{i}$ is the unit vector.


$\ket{\Psi_{n}(\bm{k})}$ is the wave function of the $n$th band.

calcChernSurface(H::Function, kn::String; kn_mesh::Int=51, N::Int=51, gapless::Real=0.0, rounds::Bool=true, plot::Bool=false)


  • Hamiltionian::Function: The Hamiltonian matrix with three-dimensional wavenumber k as an argument.
  • kn::String: Compute the Chern number of the plane perpendicular to the "kn" direction in Brillouin zone ("k1", "k2", "k3").
  • kn_mesh::T: Number of mesh in "kn" direction.
  • N::Int=51: The number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. It is preferable for N to be an odd number to increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • gapless::Real: The threshold that determines the state to be degenerate. Coarsening the mesh(N) but increasing gapless will increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • rounds::Bool=true: An option to round the value of the topological number to an integer value. The topological number returns a value of type Int when true, and a value of type Float when false.

Calculate the one-dimensional phase diagram for the Berry phase over a specified parameter range.

calcPhaseDiagram(prob::BPProblem, param_range::T1, alg::T2=BP(); parallel::T3=UseSingleThread(), plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:BerryPhaseAlgorithms,T3<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


calcPhaseDiagram calculates the Berry phase for a one-dimensional system described by BPProblem over a range of parameters (param_range), constructing a phase diagram. By changing the alg or parallel options, you can flexibly switch between different calculation methods and parallelization strategies. Moreover, setting plot=true generates a simple plot of the results upon completion of the calculation.


  • prob::BPProblem: A structure that contains the problem settings for Berry phase calculations, including the Hamiltonian, mesh size, gap information, and other parameters.

  • param_range::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the Berry phase.

  • alg::BerryPhaseAlgorithms=BP(): The algorithm used to compute the Berry phase. The default is BP(). You can implement and specify other algorithms as needed.

  • parallel::TopologicalNumbersParallel=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy. The default is single-threaded (UseSingleThread()). If you wish to run in a distributed environment, you can specify it accordingly. (Note that, at present, the Berry phase calculation does not support multithreading.)

  • plot::Bool=false: If set to true, a simple plot of the calculated results is shown after the computation finishes. This is helpful for visually confirming topological phase transitions.

  • progress::Bool=false: If set to true, progress is displayed during loop calculations, which can be useful for large-scale computations.


  • NamedTuple{(:param, :nums)}:
    • param::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range.
    • nums::AbstractMatrix: A matrix containing the computed Berry phases for each parameter. The size of this matrix is (number of bands × number of parameter values).


julia> using TopologicalNumbers
julia> # Define the Hamiltonian
       H₀(k, p) = SSH(k, p)
julia> # Set up the Berry phase problem
       prob = BPProblem(H₀)
julia> # Define a parameter range from -2.0 to 2.0 with 9 divisions
       param_range = range(-2.0, 2.0, length=9)
julia> # Calculate the phase diagram (using the default BP algorithm, single-threaded,
       # with plotting enabled and progress display)
       result = calcPhaseDiagram(prob, param_range; plot=true, progress=true)
(param = -2.0:0.5:2.0, nums = [1 1; 1 1; 0 0; 0 0; 0 0; 0 0; 0 0; 1 1; 1 1])

julia> result.param

julia> result.nums
9×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  1
 1  1
 0  0
 0  0
 0  0
 0  0
 0  0
 1  1
 1  1

Calculate the one-dimensional phase diagram for the first Chern number over a specified parameter range.

calcPhaseDiagram(prob::FCProblem, param_range::T1, alg::T2=FHS(); parallel::T3=UseSingleThread(), plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:FirstChernAlgorithms,T3<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


calcPhaseDiagram calculates the first Chern number for a one-dimensional system described by FCProblem over a range of parameters (param_range), constructing a phase diagram. By changing the alg or parallel options, you can flexibly switch between different calculation methods and parallelization strategies. Moreover, setting plot=true generates a simple plot of the results upon completion of the calculation.


  • prob::FCProblem: A structure that contains the problem settings for first Chern number calculations, including the Hamiltonian, mesh size, gap information, and other parameters.

  • param_range::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the first Chern number.

  • alg::FirstChernAlgorithms=FHS(): The algorithm used to compute the first Chern number. The default is FHS(). You can implement and specify other algorithms as needed.

  • parallel::TopologicalNumbersParallel=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy. The default is single-threaded (UseSingleThread()). If you wish to run in a distributed environment, you can specify it accordingly. (Note that, at present, the first Chern number calculation does not support multithreading.)

  • plot::Bool=false: If set to true, a simple plot of the calculated results is shown after the computation finishes. This is helpful for visually confirming topological phase transitions.

  • progress::Bool=false: If set to true, progress is displayed during loop calculations, which can be useful for large-scale computations.


  • NamedTuple{(:param, :nums)}:
    • param::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range.
    • nums::AbstractMatrix: A matrix containing the computed first Chern numbers for each parameter. The size of this matrix is (number of bands × number of parameter values).


julia> using TopologicalNumbers
julia> # Define the Hamiltonian
       H₀(k, p) = Haldane(k, p)
       H(k, p) = H₀(k, (1, p, 2.5))
julia> # Set up the first Chern number problem
       prob = FCProblem(H)
julia> # Define a parameter range
       param = range(-π, π, length=10);
julia> # Calculate the phase diagram (using the default FHS algorithm, single-threaded,
       # with plotting enabled and progress display)
       result = calcPhaseDiagram(prob, param; plot=true, progress=true)
(param = -3.141592653589793:0.6981317007977318:3.141592653589793, nums = [0 0; -1 1; -1 1; -1 1; 0 0; 0 0; 1 -1; 1 -1; 1 -1; 0 0])

julia> result.param

julia> result.nums
10×2 Matrix{Int64}:
  0   0
 -1   1
 -1   1
 -1   1
  0   0
  0   0
  1  -1
  1  -1
  1  -1
  0   0

Calculate the one-dimensional phase diagram for the second Chern number over a specified parameter range.

calcPhaseDiagram(prob::SCProblem, param_range::T1, alg::T2=FHS2(); parallel::T3=UseSingleThread(), plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:SecondChernAlgorithms,T3<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


calcPhaseDiagram calculates the second Chern number for a one-dimensional system described by SCProblem over a range of parameters (param_range), constructing a phase diagram. By changing the alg or parallel options, you can flexibly switch between different calculation methods and parallelization strategies. Moreover, setting plot=true generates a simple plot of the results upon completion of the calculation.


  • prob::SCProblem: A structure that contains the problem settings for second Chern number calculations, including the Hamiltonian, mesh size, number of filled bands, gap information, and other parameters. The default is a half-filled band case.

  • param_range::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the second Chern number.

  • alg::SecondChernAlgorithms=FHS2(): The algorithm used to compute the second Chern number. The default is FHS2(). You can implement and specify other algorithms as needed.

  • parallel::TopologicalNumbersParallel=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy. The default is single-threaded (UseSingleThread()). If you wish to run in a distributed environment, you can specify it accordingly.

  • plot::Bool=false: If set to true, a simple plot of the calculated results is shown after the computation finishes. This is helpful for visually confirming topological phase transitions.

  • progress::Bool=false: If set to true, progress is displayed during loop calculations, which can be useful for large-scale computations.


  • NamedTuple{(:param, :nums)}:
    • param::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range.
    • nums::AbstractVector: A vector containing the computed second Chern numbers for each parameter.


julia> using TopologicalNumbers
julia> # Define the Hamiltonian
       H₀(k, p) = LatticeDirac(k, p)
julia> N = 10; # number of k-points in each direction
julia> # Set up the second Chern number problem
       prob = SCProblem(H₀, N)
julia> # Define a parameter range
       param = range(-4.9, 4.9, length=4)
julia> # Calculate the phase diagram (using the default FHS2 algorithm, single-threaded,
       # with plotting enabled and progress display)
       result = calcPhaseDiagram(prob, param; plot=true, progress=true)
(param = -4.9:3.2666666666666666:4.9, nums = [0.0010237313095167136, -2.0667333080974726, 2.1572606447321445, -0.0009805850180973081])

julia> result.param

julia> result.nums
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Calculate the one-dimensional phase diagram for the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number over a specified parameter range.

calcPhaseDiagram(prob::Z2Problem, param_range::T1, alg::T2=Shio(); parallel::T3=UseSingleThread(), plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:Z2Algorithms,T3<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


calcPhaseDiagram calculates the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number for a one-dimensional system described by Z2Problem over a range of parameters (param_range), constructing a phase diagram. By changing the alg or parallel options, you can flexibly switch between different calculation methods and parallelization strategies. Moreover, setting plot=true generates a simple plot of the results upon completion of the calculation.


  • prob::Z2Problem: A structure that contains the problem settings for $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number calculations, including the Hamiltonian, mesh size, gap information, and other parameters.

  • param_range::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number.

  • alg::Z2Algorithms=Shio(): The algorithm used to compute the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number. The default is Shio(). You can implement and specify other algorithms as needed.

  • parallel::TopologicalNumbersParallel=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy. The default is single-threaded (UseSingleThread()). If you wish to run in a distributed environment, you can specify it accordingly. (Note that, at present, the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number calculation does not support multithreading.)

  • plot::Bool=false: If set to true, a simple plot of the calculated results is shown after the computation finishes. This is helpful for visually confirming topological phase transitions.

  • progress::Bool=false: If set to true, progress is displayed during loop calculations, which can be useful for large-scale computations.


  • NamedTuple{(:param, :nums)}:
    • param::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range.
    • nums::AbstractMatrix: A matrix containing the computed $\mathbb{Z}_2$ numbers for each parameter. The size of this matrix is (number of bands × number of parameter values).


julia> using TopologicalNumbers
julia> # Define the Hamiltonian
       H₀(k, p) = BHZ(k, p)
       H(k, p) = H₀(k, (p, 0.25))
julia> # Set up the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number problem
       prob = Z2Problem(H)
julia> # Define a parameter range
       param = range(-2, 2, length=10)
julia> # Calculate the phase diagram (using the default Shio algorithm, single-threaded,
       # with plotting enabled and progress display)
       result = calcPhaseDiagram(prob, param; plot=true, progress=true)
(param = -2.0:0.4444444444444444:2.0, nums = [0 0; 0 0; 0 0; 1 1; 1 1; 1 1; 1 1; 0 0; 0 0; 0 0])

julia> result.param

julia> result.nums
10×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 0  0
 0  0
 0  0
 1  1
 1  1
 1  1
 1  1
 0  0
 0  0
 0  0

Calculate the two-dimensional phase diagram for the Berry phase over a specified parameter range.

calcPhaseDiagram(prob::BPProblem, param_range1::T1, param_range2::T2, alg::T3=BP(); parallel::T4=UseSingleThread(), plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:BerryPhaseAlgorithms,T4<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


calcPhaseDiagram calculates the Berry phase for a two-dimensional system described by BPProblem over a range of parameters (param_range), constructing a phase diagram. By changing the alg or parallel options, you can flexibly switch between different calculation methods and parallelization strategies. Moreover, setting plot=true generates a simple plot of the results upon completion of the calculation.


  • prob::BPProblem: A structure that contains the problem settings for Berry phase calculations, including the Hamiltonian, mesh size, gap information, and other parameters.

  • param_range1::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the Berry phase.

  • param_range2::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the Berry phase.

  • alg::BerryPhaseAlgorithms=BP(): The algorithm used to compute the Berry phase. The default is BP(). You can implement and specify other algorithms as needed.

  • parallel::TopologicalNumbersParallel=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy. The default is single-threaded (UseSingleThread()). If you wish to run in a distributed environment, you can specify it accordingly. (Note that, at present, the Berry phase calculation does not support multithreading.)

  • plot::Bool=false: If set to true, a simple plot of the calculated results is shown after the computation finishes. This is helpful for visually confirming topological phase transitions.

  • progress::Bool=false: If set to true, progress is displayed during loop calculations, which can be useful for large-scale computations.


  • NamedTuple{(:param, :nums)}:
    • param1::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range1.
    • param2::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range2.
    • nums::AbstractArray: An array containing the computed Berry phases for each parameter. The size of this array is (number of bands × number of param1 × number of param2).


julia> using TopologicalNumbers
julia> # Define the Hamiltonian
       H₀(k, p) = KitaevChain(k, p)
julia> # Set up the Berry phase problem
       prob = BPProblem(H₀)
julia> # Define a parameter range
       param1 = range(-3.0, 3.0, length=4)
       param2 = range(-1.0, 1.0, length=4)
julia> # Calculate the phase diagram (using the default BP algorithm, single-threaded,
       # with plotting enabled and progress display)
       result = calcPhaseDiagram(prob, param1, param2; plot=true, progress=true)
(param1 = -3.0:2.0:3.0, param2 = -1.0:0.6666666666666666:1.0, nums = [0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 0;;; 0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 0;;; 0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 0;;; 0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 0])

julia> result.param1

julia> result.param2

julia> result.nums
2×4×4 Array{Int64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 0  1  1  0
 0  1  1  0

[:, :, 2] =
 0  1  1  0
 0  1  1  0

[:, :, 3] =
 0  1  1  0
 0  1  1  0

[:, :, 4] =
 0  1  1  0
 0  1  1  0

Calculate the two-dimensional phase diagram for the first Chern number over a specified parameter range.

calcPhaseDiagram(prob::FCProblem, param_range1::T1, param_range2::T2, alg::T3=FHS(); parallel::T4=UseSingleThread(), plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:FirstChernAlgorithms,T4<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


calcPhaseDiagram calculates the first Chern number for a two-dimensional system described by FCProblem over a range of parameters (param_range), constructing a phase diagram. By changing the alg or parallel options, you can flexibly switch between different calculation methods and parallelization strategies. Moreover, setting plot=true generates a simple plot of the results upon completion of the calculation.


  • prob::FCProblem: A structure that contains the problem settings for first Chern number calculations, including the Hamiltonian, mesh size, gap information, and other parameters.

  • param_range1::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the first Chern number.

  • param_range2::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the first Chern number.

  • alg::FirstChernAlgorithms=FHS(): The algorithm used to compute the first Chern number. The default is FHS(). You can implement and specify other algorithms as needed.

  • parallel::TopologicalNumbersParallel=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy. The default is single-threaded (UseSingleThread()). If you wish to run in a distributed environment, you can specify it accordingly. (Note that, at present, the first Chern number calculation does not support multithreading.)

  • plot::Bool=false: If set to true, a simple plot of the calculated results is shown after the computation finishes. This is helpful for visually confirming topological phase transitions.

  • progress::Bool=false: If set to true, progress is displayed during loop calculations, which can be useful for large-scale computations.


  • NamedTuple{(:param, :nums)}:
    • param1::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range1.
    • param2::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range2.
    • nums::AbstractArray: An array containing the computed first Chern numbers for each parameter. The size of this array is (number of bands × number of param1 × number of param2).


julia> using TopologicalNumbers
julia> # Define the Hamiltonian
       H₀(k, p) = Haldane(k, p)
       H(k, p) = H₀(k, (1, p[1], p[2]))
julia> # Set up the first Chern number problem
       prob = FCProblem(H₀)
julia> # Define a parameter range
       param1 = range(-π, π, length=4)
       param2 = range(-6.0, 6.0, length=4)
julia> # Calculate the phase diagram (using the default FHS algorithm, single-threaded,
       # with plotting enabled and progress display)
       result = calcPhaseDiagram(prob, param1, param2; plot=true, progress=true)
(param1 = -3.141592653589793:2.0943951023931953:3.141592653589793, param2 = -6.0:4.0:6.0, nums = [0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0;;; 0 -1 1 0; 0 1 -1 0;;; 0 -1 1 0; 0 1 -1 0;;; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0])

julia> result.param1

julia> result.param2

julia> result.nums
2×4×4 Array{Int64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0

[:, :, 2] =
 0  -1   1  0
 0   1  -1  0

[:, :, 3] =
 0  -1   1  0
 0   1  -1  0

[:, :, 4] =
 0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0

calcPhaseDiagram(H::Function, param_range::T1, alg::T2; N::T3=51, parallel::T4=UseSingleThread(), gapless::Real=0.0, rounds::Bool=true, plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:Union{String,TopologicalNumbersAlgorithms},T3<:Union{Int,Tuple,AbstractVector},T4<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


Calculate the two-dimensional phase diagram for the second Chern number over a specified parameter range.

calcPhaseDiagram(prob::SCProblem, param_range1::T1, param_range2::T2, alg::T3=FHS2(); parallel::T4=UseSingleThread(), plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:SecondChernAlgorithms,T4<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


calcPhaseDiagram calculates the second Chern number for a two-dimensional system described by SCProblem over a range of parameters (param_range), constructing a phase diagram. By changing the alg or parallel options, you can flexibly switch between different calculation methods and parallelization strategies. Moreover, setting plot=true generates a simple plot of the results upon completion of the calculation.


  • prob::SCProblem: A structure that contains the problem settings for second Chern number calculations, including the Hamiltonian, mesh size, gap information, and other parameters.

  • param_range1::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the second Chern number.

  • param_range2::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the second Chern number.

  • alg::SecondChernAlgorithms=FHS2(): The algorithm used to compute the second Chern number. The default is FHS2(). You can implement and specify other algorithms as needed.

  • parallel::TopologicalNumbersParallel=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy. The default is single-threaded (UseSingleThread()). If you wish to run in a distributed environment, you can specify it accordingly. (Note that, at present, the second Chern number calculation does not support multithreading.)

  • plot::Bool=false: If set to true, a simple plot of the calculated results is shown after the computation finishes. This is helpful for visually confirming topological phase transitions.

  • progress::Bool=false: If set to true, progress is displayed during loop calculations, which can be useful for large-scale computations.


  • NamedTuple{(:param, :nums)}:
    • param1::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range1.
    • param2::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range2.
    • nums::AbstractArray: An array containing the computed second Chern numbers for each parameter. The size of this array is (number of bands × number of param1 × number of param2).

Calculate the two-dimensional phase diagram for the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number over a specified parameter range.

calcPhaseDiagram(prob::Z2Problem, param_range1::T1, param_range2::T2, alg::T3=Shio(); parallel::T4=UseSingleThread(), plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:Z2Algorithms,T4<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


calcPhaseDiagram calculates the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number for a two-dimensional system described by Z2Problem over a range of parameters (param_range), constructing a phase diagram. By changing the alg or parallel options, you can flexibly switch between different calculation methods and parallelization strategies. Moreover, setting plot=true generates a simple plot of the results upon completion of the calculation.


  • prob::Z2Problem: A structure that contains the problem settings for $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number calculations, including the Hamiltonian, mesh size, gap information, and other parameters.

  • param_range1::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number.

  • param_range2::AbstractVector: A list or range of parameters (e.g., range(-2.0, 2.0, length=50)) over which to scan. The Hamiltonian is evaluated at each parameter value in order to compute the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number.

  • alg::Z2Algorithms=Shio(): The algorithm used to compute the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number. The default is Shio(). You can implement and specify other algorithms as needed.

  • parallel::TopologicalNumbersParallel=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy. The default is single-threaded (UseSingleThread()). If you wish to run in a distributed environment, you can specify it accordingly. (Note that, at present, the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number calculation does not support multithreading.)

  • plot::Bool=false: If set to true, a simple plot of the calculated results is shown after the computation finishes. This is helpful for visually confirming topological phase transitions.

  • progress::Bool=false: If set to true, progress is displayed during loop calculations, which can be useful for large-scale computations.


  • NamedTuple{(:param, :nums)}:
    • param1::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range1.
    • param2::AbstractVector: A copy of the input param_range2.
    • nums::AbstractArray: An array containing the computed $\mathbb{Z}_2$ numbers for each parameter. The size of this array is (number of bands × number of param1 × number of param2).


julia> using TopologicalNumbers
julia> # Define the Hamiltonian
       H₀(k, p) = BHZ(k, p)
julia> # Set up the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ number problem
       prob = Z2Problem(H₀)
julia> # Define a parameter range
       param1 = range(-2, 2, length=4);
       param2 = range(-0.4, 0.4, length=4)
julia> # Calculate the phase diagram (using the default Shio algorithm, single-threaded,
       # with plotting enabled and progress display)
       result = calcPhaseDiagram(prob, param1, param2; plot=true, progress=true)
(param1 = -2.0:1.3333333333333333:2.0, param2 = -0.4:0.26666666666666666:0.4, nums = [0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 0;;; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0;;; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0;;; 0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 0])

julia> result.param1

julia> result.param2

julia> result.nums
2×4×4 Array{Int64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 0  1  1  0
 0  1  1  0

[:, :, 2] =
 0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0

[:, :, 3] =
 0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0

[:, :, 4] =
 0  1  1  0
 0  1  1  0
calcPhaseDiagram(H::Function, param_range1::T1, param_range2::T2, alg::T3; N::T4=51, parallel::T5=UseSingleThread(), gapless::Real=0.0, rounds::Bool=true, plot::Bool=false, progress::Bool=false) where {T1<:AbstractVector,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:Union{String,TopologicalNumbersAlgorithms},T4<:Union{Int,Tuple,AbstractVector},T5<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}

Calculate the second Chern numbers in the four-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1, 2].

calcSecondChern(Hamiltonian::Function; Nfill::T1=nothing, N::T2=(30, 30, 30, 30), returnRealValue::Bool=true, parallel::T3=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:Union{Int,Nothing},T2<:Union{AbstractVector,Tuple},T3<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • Hamiltionian: The Hamiltonian matrix with two-dimensional wavenumber k as an argument.
  • Nfill::T1: The filling number. The default value is Hs ÷ 2, where Hs is the size of the Hamiltonian matrix.
  • N::T2: The numbers of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. Each element of N is the number of meshes in the x, y, z, and w directions, respectively.
  • returnRealValue::Bool: An option to return the value of the topological number by an real value. The topological number returns a value of type Float64 when true, and a value of type ComplexF64 when false.



Calculate the Weyl node in the three-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1].

calcWeylNode(Hamiltonian::Function, n::Vector{Int64}; N::Int=51, gapless::Real=0.0, rounds::Bool=true)


  • Hamiltionian::Function: the Hamiltonian matrix with three-dimensional wavenumber k as an argument.
  • n::Vector{Int64}: The wavenumber($2\pi\bm{n}/N$) when calculating Weyl node.
  • N::Int=51: The number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. It is preferable for N to be an odd number to increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • gapless::Real: The threshold that determines the state to be degenerate. Coarsening the mesh(N) but increasing gapless will increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • rounds::Bool=true: An option to round the value of the topological number to an integer value. The topological number returns a value of type Int when true, and a value of type Float when false.

Calculate the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ numbers in the two-dimensional case with reference to Shiozaki method [3, 4].

calcZ2(Hamiltonian::Function; Nfill::T1=nothing, N::Int=50, rounds::Bool=true, TR::Bool=false) where {T1<:Union{Int,Nothing}}


  • Hamiltonian::Function is a matrix with one-dimensional wavenumber k as an argument.
  • Nfill::T1: The filling number. The default value is Hs ÷ 2, where Hs is the size of the Hamiltonian matrix.
  • N::Int is the number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. It is preferable for N to be an odd number to increase the accuracy of the calculation.
  • rounds::Bool is an option to round the value of the topological number to an integer value. The topological number returns a value of type Int when true, and a value of type Float when false.


The $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ number of the $2n$th (and $2n-1$th) band $\nu_{n}$ is defined by


$F_{n}$ is the Berry flux of the $n$th band in the $\mathrm{BZ}'$. The range $\mathrm{BZ}'$ is $\bm{k}\in[0,2\pi]\times[0,\pi]$ half of BZ(Brillouin Zone).


$P_{n}(k_{2})$ is the time-reversal polarization at wavenumber $k_{2}$.


$U_{n,i}(\bm{k})$ is the link variable at wavenumber $\bm{k}$. $\bm{e}_{i}$ is the unit vector.


$\ket{\Psi_{n}(\bm{k})}$ is the wave function of the $2n$th (and $2n-1$th) band. $\omega(\bm{k})$ is the unitary matrix given by


$T$ is the time-reversal operator.

findWeylPoint(Hamiltonian::Function; N::Int=10, gapless::T=[1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4], rounds::Bool=true) where {T<:AbstractVector{Float64}}


  • Hamiltionian::Function: The Hamiltonian matrix with three-dimensional wavenumber k as an argument.
  • N::Int=10: The number of meshes when discretizing the Brillouin Zone. The $n$th iteration divides the Brillouin zone into $1/N^n$.
  • gapless<:AbstractVector{Float64}: The threshold that determines the state to be degenerate. The $n$th iteration adopts the threshold value of the $n$th value of the vector. The number of iterations can be varied by the length of the vector.
  • rounds::Bool=true: An option to round the value of the topological number to an integer value. The topological number returns a value of type Int when true, and a value of type Float when false.
pfaffian(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, overwrite_a=false, method='P') where {T<:Number}

Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=true, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses either the Parlett-Reid algorithm (method='P', default), or the Householder tridiagonalization (method='H')

pfaffian_LTL(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; overwrite_a=false) where {T<:Number}

Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=true, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses the Parlett-Reid algorithm.

pfaffian_householder(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; overwrite_a=false) where {T<:Complex}

Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=true, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses the Householder tridiagonalization.

Note that the function pfaffianschur() can also be used in the real case. That function does not make use of the skew-symmetry and is only slightly slower than pfaffianhouseholder().

pfaffian_householder(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; overwrite_a=false) where {T<:Real}

Compute the Pfaffian of a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix A (A=-A^T). If overwrite_a=true, the matrix A is overwritten in the process. This function uses the Householder tridiagonalization.

Note that the function pfaffianschur() can also be used in the real case. That function does not make use of the skew-symmetry and is only slightly slower than pfaffianhouseholder().

pfaffian_schur(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; overwrite_a=false) where {T<:Real}

Calculate Pfaffian of a real antisymmetric matrix using the Schur decomposition. (Hessenberg would in principle be faster, but scipy-0.8 messed up the performance for scipy.linalg.hessenberg()).

This function does not make use of the skew-symmetry of the matrix A, but uses a LAPACK routine that is coded in FORTRAN and hence faster than python. As a consequence, pfaffian_schur is only slightly slower than pfaffian().

plot1D(result::NamedTuple; labels::Bool=true, disp::Bool=true, png::Bool=false, pdf::Bool=false, svg::Bool=false, filename::String="phaseDiagram")

Plot a 1D phase diagram.


  • result::NamedTuple: A named tuple containing the result data.
  • labels::Bool=true: Whether to display axis labels.
  • disp::Bool=true: Whether to display the plot.
  • png::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PNG file.
  • pdf::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PDF file.
  • svg::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as an SVG file.
  • filename::String="phaseDiagram": The filename for the saved plot.


  • fig: The matplotlib figure object.


plot1D(nums::T1, param_range::T2; labels::Bool=true, disp::Bool=true, png::Bool=false, pdf::Bool=false, svg::Bool=false, filename::String="phaseDiagram") where {T1<:AbstractMatrix,T2<:AbstractVector}

Plot a 1D phase diagram.


  • nums::T1: A matrix or vector containing the data to be plotted.
  • param_range::T2: A vector representing the parameter range.
  • labels::Bool=true: Whether to display axis labels. Default is true.
  • disp::Bool=true: Whether to display the plot. Default is true.
  • png::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PNG file. Default is false.
  • pdf::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PDF file. Default is false.
  • svg::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as an SVG file. Default is false.
  • filename::String="phaseDiagram": The filename for the saved plot. Default is "phaseDiagram".


nums = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]
param_range = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
plot1D(nums, param_range)


  • fig: The matplotlib figure object representing the plot.
plot1D(::T1, nums::T2, param_range::T3; labels::Bool=true, disp::Bool=true, png::Bool=false, pdf::Bool=false, svg::Bool=false, filename::String="phaseDiagram") where {T1<:SecondChernAlgorithms,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:AbstractVector}

Plot a 1D phase diagram.


  • ::T1: An object of type T1 that implements the SecondChernAlgorithms interface.
  • nums::T2: A vector of numbers representing the values to be plotted.
  • param_range::T3: A vector representing the parameter range.
  • labels::Bool=true: Whether to display labels on the plot. Default is true.
  • disp::Bool=true: Whether to display the plot. Default is true.
  • png::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PNG file. Default is false.
  • pdf::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PDF file. Default is false.
  • svg::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as an SVG file. Default is false.
  • filename::String="phaseDiagram": The filename for the saved plot. Default is "phaseDiagram".


plot1D(obj, nums, param_range)


  • fig: The matplotlib figure object representing the plot.
plot2D(result::NamedTuple; labels::Bool=true, disp::Bool=true, png::Bool=false, pdf::Bool=false, svg::Bool=false, filename::String="phaseDiagram")

Plot a 2D phase diagram.


  • result::NamedTuple: A named tuple containing the result data.
  • labels::Bool=true: Whether to display axis labels.
  • disp::Bool=true: Whether to display the plot.
  • png::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PNG file.
  • pdf::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PDF file.
  • svg::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as an SVG file.
  • filename::String="phaseDiagram": The filename for the saved plot.


  • fig: The matplotlib figure object.


plot2D(nums::T1, param_range1::T2, param_range2::T3; labels::Bool=true, disp::Bool=true, png::Bool=false, pdf::Bool=false, svg::Bool=false, filename::String="phaseDiagram") where {T1<:AbstractArray,T2<:AbstractVector,T3<:AbstractVector}

Plot a 2D phase diagram.


  • nums::T1: An array of numbers representing the phase diagram.
  • param_range1::T2: A vector representing the range of the first parameter.
  • param_range2::T3: A vector representing the range of the second parameter.
  • labels::Bool=true: Whether to display axis labels. Default is true.
  • disp::Bool=true: Whether to display the plot. Default is true.
  • png::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PNG file. Default is false.
  • pdf::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as a PDF file. Default is false.
  • svg::Bool=false: Whether to save the plot as an SVG file. Default is false.
  • filename::String="phaseDiagram": The filename for the saved plot. Default is "phaseDiagram".


  • fig: The matplotlib figure object.


showBand(Hamiltonian::Function; N::Int=51, labels::Bool=true, value::Bool=true, disp::Bool=false, png::Bool=false, pdf::Bool=false, svg::Bool=false, filename::String="Band")

This function generates a band structure plot for a given Hamiltonian.


  • Hamiltonian::Function: The Hamiltonian function that takes a wave number parameter k and returns the corresponding Hamiltonian matrix.
  • N::Int: The number of points in the Brillouin zone. Default is 51.
  • labels::Bool: Whether to display the labels of the figure. Default is true.
  • value::Bool: Whether to output the values of the wave number and the energy in the matrix form. Default is true.
  • disp::Bool: Whether to display the plot. Default is false.
  • png::Bool: Whether to save the plot as a PNG file. Default is false.
  • pdf::Bool: Whether to save the plot as a PDF file. Default is false.
  • svg::Bool: Whether to save the plot as an SVG file. Default is false.
  • filename::String: The filename for the saved plot. Default is "Band".


julia> H(k) = SSH(k, (0.9, 1.0)) # $N \times N$ Hamiltonian matrix with a wavenumber parameter k
julia> showBand(H)
(k = -3.141592653589793:0.12566370614359174:3.141592653589793, Ene = [-0.09999999999999998 0.09999999999999998; -0.15554271964299698 0.15554271964299698; … ; -0.15554271964299698 0.15554271964299698; -0.09999999999999998 0.09999999999999998])
T, L, P = skew_LTL(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; overwrite_a=false, calc_L=true, calc_P=true) where {T<:Number}

Bring a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix (A=-A^T) into tridiagonal form T (with zero diagonal) with a lower unit triangular matrix L such that P A P^T= L T L^T

A is overwritten if overwritea=true (default: false), L and P only calculated if calcL=true or calc_P=true, respectively (default: true).

T, Q = skew_tridiagonalize(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; overwrite_a=false, calc_q=true) where {T<:Number}


T = skew_tridiagonalize(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; overwrite_a=false, calc_q=false) where {T<:Number}

Bring a real or complex skew-symmetric matrix (A=-A^T) into tridiagonal form T (with zero diagonal) with a orthogonal (real case) or unitary (complex case) matrix U such that A = Q T Q^T (Note that Q^T and not Q^dagger also in the complex case)

A is overwritten if overwritea=true (default: false), and Q only calculated if calcq=true (default: true)


Calculate the winding numbers in the one-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1].

solve(prob::BPProblem, alg::T1=BP(); parallel::T2=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:BerryPhaseAlgorithms,T2<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • prob::BPProblem: The BPProblem struct that contains the Hamiltonian matrix function in the wave number space and other parameters.
  • alg::T1=BP(): The algorithm to use for calculating the Berry phases. Default is BP algorithm.
  • parallel::T2=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy to use. Default is to use a single thread.


  • BPSolution: A struct that contains the calculated Berry phases.


julia> H(k) = SSH(k, 1.1)
julia> prob = BPProblem(H)
julia> result = solve(prob)
BPSolution{Vector{Int64}, Int64}([1, 1], 0)
julia> result.TopologicalNumber
2-element Vector{Int64}:

Calculate the first Chern numbers in the two-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1].

solve(prob::FCProblem, alg::T1=FHS(); parallel::T2=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:FirstChernAlgorithms,T2<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • prob::FCProblem: The FCProblem struct that contains the Hamiltonian matrix function in the wave number space and other parameters.
  • alg::T1=FHS(): The algorithm to use for calculating the first Chern numbers. Default is FHS algorithm.
  • parallel::T2=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy to use. Default is to use a single thread.


  • FCSolution: A struct that contains the calculated first Chern numbers.


julia> H(k) = Haldane(k, (1, 0.5, 1.0))
julia> prob = FCProblem(H)
julia> result = solve(prob)
FCSolution{Vector{Int64}, Int64}([1, -1], 0)
julia> result.TopologicalNumber
2-element Vector{Int64}:

Calculate the Berry flux in the two-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1].

solve(prob::LBFProblem, alg::T1=FHSlocal2(); parallel::T2=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:BerryFluxAlgorithms,T2<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • prob::LBFProblem: The LBFProblem struct that contains the Hamiltonian matrix function in the wave number space and other parameters.
  • alg::T1=FHSlocal2(): The algorithm to use for calculating the second Chern numbers. Default is FHSlocal2 algorithm.
  • parallel::T2=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy to use. Default is to use a single thread.


  • LBFSolution: A struct that contains the calculated Berry flux.


julia> H(k) = Flux2d(k, (6, 1))
julia> n = [0, 0]
julia> prob = LBFProblem(H, n)
julia> result = solve(prob)
LBFSolution{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Int64}}([0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0])
julia> result.TopologicalNumber
6-element Vector{Int64}:

Calculate the second Chern numbers in the four-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1, 2].

solve(prob::SCProblem, alg::T1=FHS2(); parallel::T2=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:SecondChernAlgorithms,T2<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • prob::SCProblem: The SCProblem struct that contains the Hamiltonian matrix function in the wave number space, filling number, mesh numbers, and other parameters.
  • alg::T1=FHS2(): The algorithm to use for calculating the second Chern numbers. Default is FHS2 algorithm.
  • parallel::T2=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy to use. Default is to use a single thread.


  • SCSolution: A struct that contains the calculated second Chern numbers.


julia> H(k) = LatticeDirac(k, -3.0)
julia> prob = SCProblem(H)
julia> result = solve(prob)
julia> result.TopologicalNumber

Calculate the sliced first Chern numbers in the three-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1].

solve(prob::WCSProblem, alg::T1=FHSsurface(); parallel::T2=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:WeylPointsAlgorithms,T2<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • prob::WCSProblem: The WCSProblem struct that contains the Hamiltonian matrix function in the wave number space and other parameters.
  • alg::T1=FHSsurface(): The algorithm to use for calculating the sliced first Chern numbers. Default is FHSsurface algorithm.
  • parallel::T2=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy to use. Default is to use a single thread.


  • WCSSolution: A struct that contains the calculated sliced first Chern numbers.


julia> function H₀(k, p) # Weyl
    k1, k2, k3 = k
    t1, t2, t3, m, k0 = p

    h0 = 0
    hx = 2t1*(cos(k1) - cos(k0)) + m*(2 - cos(k2) - cos(k3))
    hy = 2t2*sin(k2)
    hz = 2t3*sin(k3)

    s0 = [1 0; 0 1]
    sx = [0 1; 1 0]
    sy = [0 -im; im 0]
    sz = [1 0; 0 -1]

    h0 .* s0 .+ hx .* sx .+ hy .* sy .+ hz .* sz
julia> p0 = (1, 1, 1, 2, 2pi*2/5);
julia> H(k) = H₀(k, p0);
julia> prob = WCSProblem(H, "k1");
julia> sol = solve(prob)
WCSSolution{String, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}, Matrix{Int64}}("k1", 6.283185307179587e-5:0.12319971190548208:6.160048427127176, [0 0; 0 0; … ; 0 0; 0 0])
julia> sol.nums
51×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 1  -1
 1  -1
 1  -1
 1  -1
 1  -1
 1  -1
 1  -1
 1  -1
 1  -1
 1  -1
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0
 0   0

Calculate the Weyl node in the three-dimensional case with reference to Fukui-Hatsugai-Suzuki method [1].

solve(prob::WNProblem, alg::T1=FHSlocal3(); parallel::T2=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:WeylPointsAlgorithms,T2<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • prob::WNProblem: The WNProblem struct that contains the Hamiltonian matrix function in the wave number space and other parameters.
  • alg::T1=FHSlocal3(): The algorithm to use for calculating the Weyl nodes. Default is FHSlocal3 algorithm.
  • parallel::T2=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy to use. Default is to use a single thread.


  • WNSolution: A struct that contains the calculated Weyl nodes.


julia> function H₀(k, p) # Weyl
    k1, k2, k3 = k
    t1, t2, t3, m, k0 = p

    h0 = 0
    hx = 2t1*(cos(k1) - cos(k0)) + m*(2 - cos(k2) - cos(k3))
    hy = 2t2*sin(k2)
    hz = 2t3*sin(k3)

    s0 = [1 0; 0 1]
    sx = [0 1; 1 0]
    sy = [0 -im; im 0]
    sz = [1 0; 0 -1]

    h0 .* s0 .+ hx .* sx .+ hy .* sy .+ hz .* sz
julia> p0 = (1, 1, 1, 2, 2pi*2/5);
julia> H(k) = H₀(k .- 2pi*1e-5, p0);
julia> weylPoint = [4000, 0, 0];
julia> N = 10000;
julia> prob = WNProblem(H, weylPoint, N);
julia> sol = solve(prob)
WNSolution{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Int64}, Int64}([1, -1], [4000, 0, 0], 10000)
julia> sol.TopologicalNumber
2-element Vector{Int64}:

Calculate the Weyl points in the three-dimensional case using energy variational method.

solve(prob::WPProblem, alg::T1=Evar(); parallel::T2=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:WeylPointsAlgorithms,T2<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • prob::WPProblem: The WPProblem struct that contains the Hamiltonian matrix function in the wave number space and other parameters.
  • alg::T1=Evar(): The algorithm to use for calculating the Weyl points. Default is Evar algorithm.
  • parallel::T2=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy to use. Default is to use a single thread.


  • WPSolution: A struct that contains the calculated Weyl points.


julia> function H₀(k, p) # Weyl
    k1, k2, k3 = k
    t1, t2, t3, m, k0 = p

    h0 = 0
    hx = 2t1*(cos(k1) - cos(k0)) + m*(2 - cos(k2) - cos(k3))
    hy = 2t2*sin(k2)
    hz = 2t3*sin(k3)

    s0 = [1 0; 0 1]
    sx = [0 1; 1 0]
    sy = [0 -im; im 0]
    sz = [1 0; 0 -1]

    h0 .* s0 .+ hx .* sx .+ hy .* sy .+ hz .* sz
julia> p0 = (1, 1, 1, 2, 2pi*2/5);
julia> H(k) = H₀(k, p0);
julia> prob = WPProblem(H)
julia> result = solve(prob)
WPSolution{Vector{Vector{Vector{Int64}}}, Int64, Vector{Vector{Int64}}}([[[4000, 0, 0], [6000, 0, 0]], [[4000, 0, 0], [6000, 0, 0]]], 10000, [[1, -1], [-1, 1]])
julia> 2pi*result.WeylPoint[1] / result.N .- pi*[ones(3), ones(3)]
2-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
 [-0.6283185307179586, -3.141592653589793, -3.141592653589793]
 [0.6283185307179586, -3.141592653589793, -3.141592653589793]

Calculate the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ numbers in the two-dimensional case with reference to Shiozaki method [3, 4].

solve(prob::Z2Problem, alg::T1=Shio(); parallel::T2=UseSingleThread()) where {T1<:Z2Algorithms,T2<:TopologicalNumbersParallel}


  • prob::Z2Problem: The Z2Problem struct that contains the Hamiltonian matrix function in the wave number space and other parameters.
  • alg::T1=Shio(): The algorithm to use for calculating the Z2 numbers. Default is Shio algorithm.
  • parallel::T2=UseSingleThread(): The parallelization strategy to use. Default is to use a single thread.


  • Z2Solution: A struct that contains the calculated Z2 numbers.


julia> H(k) = KaneMele(k, 1.0)
julia> prob = Z2Problem(H)
julia> result = solve(prob)
Z2Solution{Vector{Int64}, Nothing, Int64}([1, 1], nothing, 0)
julia> result.TopologicalNumber
2-element Vector{Int64}: